Free EMDR Protocols

Adapted with Trauma Sensitive Language for clients with complex trauma

“Recovery is based upon the empowerment of the survivor and the creation of new connections. It can take place only in the context of a relationshipThe survivor must be the author and arbiter of her own recovery.”

Judith Herman (Trauma & Recovery, 1992)

Working with clients with complex trauma requires more nuanced approaches like:

invitational language,

shared power dynamics or non-coercion,

and choice-making.

Theses approaches are foundational in TCTSY.

An Evidence-Based Intervention (EBI) for complex trauma and PTSD

They are not in the EMDR Standard Protocol.

Why is this important?

Individuals who struggle with complex trauma are exteroceptive geniuses. They notice everything. Including the words we use. We want to help our client’s cultivate their agency, not take it from them.

The EMDR protocol was developed by Francine Shapiro in 1987 and uses the same language in the protocols we use in 2024. TCTSY was first created in 2018 and incorporates invitational language, non-coercion, choice-making, interoception and shared authentic experience.

In a 5 year randomized controlled study that compared TCTSY with CPT (cognitive processing therapy), the gold standard in therapy treatments, TCTSY yielded quicker symptom improvement, higher participant retention, and an equally sustained effect.

It is my belief, and experience, that when we combine these trauma sensitive approaches into the EMDR protocols, it fortifies our client’s agency, stimulates their AIP and leads to a felt sense that THEY are the authors and arbiters of their own recovery - resulting in safer, faster and more effective therapeutic outcomes.

As a Certified EMDR Therapist with over 10 years experience working with clients, as an EMDRIA Approved Consultant with 5 years experience guiding therapists in utilizing EMDR Therapy with their own clients, and as a Certified TCTSY Facilitator with 5 years experience incorporating TCTSY into my therapy sessions with clients, it is my hope that you find these resources beneficial to the connection with your clients in your therapeutic relationship.

What other EMDR Therapists have said…

  • Thank you Julie, so much! You were invaluable!

    Practicum Participant

  • Hugely helpful. Thank you!

    Webinar Partipant

  • Just want to let you know I learned a lot through your supervision and knowledge sharing.

    Consultation Group Participant

  • Thank you. This was very helpful. Looking forward to the next webinar.

    Webinar participant

  • Thank you so much, this was soooo helpful!

    Webinar Participant

Begin experimenting with trauma sensitive language with your clients.

Feel free to sign up below to download the full PDFs.

No need to look any further to find a step-by-step protocol for the Dissociative Table!

Calm Place/State


Dissociative Table

Journey with Julie offers EMDR Therapy & Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga to Individuals and EMDR Consultation to Therapists across Canada and the United States.