
If you're looking for trauma therapy, you might explore these websites:

Safe Harbour Therapy Centre if you're in Winnipeg and looking for in-person services to heal your trauma.

Psychology Today has a directory where you can search for a therapist and filter for specialties, types of therapy and insurance.

EMDR Canada or EMDR International Association page for information and resources on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Click the “Find a Therapist” button to find a practitioner.

Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is an empirically validated, clinical intervention for complex trauma or chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Click on your area of residence to find a practitioner near you.

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a transformational trauma and body based therapy that can work with your body to transform your trauma.

Neuroptimal is a form of technology that gives feedback directly to your brain allowing it to regulate itself more efficiently. Click on the "Find a Trainer" button to find a practitioner near you.

Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy integrates Eastern principles of nonviolence and mindfulness an experiential body-centered approach. Click on the "Directory" button to find a practitioner near you.

Emotional Freedom Technique click on the "Find and EFT Practitioner or Mentor" button to find a practitioner to use to address your traumatic symptoms using this self-help "tapping" technique.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute Click on the "The Therapist Directory" to heal your trauma and attachment issues using this somatic, emotional and cognitive approach.

Expressive Art Therapy in Canada, the United States and International click on the area in which you reside to find an Art Therapist near you to explore your creative process to explore your and understand yourself.

Life Coach unlock the potential in your life by working with a coach.