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Reprocessing with Complex Clients: Taxing Working Memory and restricting reprocessing with EMD.

For clients who have simple PTSD, EMDR is successful because it enables the client’s AIP to access ALL neural pathways, increasing the possibility of finding adaptive material needed to transmute traumatic material. But when a client has endured childhood and adulthood trauma, their neural pathways are littered with negative experiences; thus their AIP becomes overwhelmed again and is unable to access those adaptive neural pathways required to consolidate the traumatic material. Restricting reprocessing by using the EMDr or EMD protocols, the clinician titrates access to negative associations, enabling their client to stay within their window of tolerance, giving their AIP a fighting chance to access adaptive material and transmute their traumatic event. Using these restricted protocols while taxing your client’s working memory makes EMDR reprocessing possible for your clients with complex trauma.

This webinar teaches clinicians about the Processing Continuum (EMD, EMDr, EMDR) and the different ways you can tax your client’s working memory, keeping them in their window of tolerance, further supporting their AIP to access the adaptive material needed to consolidate their traumatic memory.

August 20

Getting the AIP Moving Again: Working with Secondary Gain, Blocking Beliefs, and Interweaves.