Upcoming EMDR Webinars for EMDR Therapists.
Preparing complex clients for reprocessing: activating and strengthening adaptive networks for easier AIP access.
Learn strategies to stabilize clients with complex presentation by incorporating Deb Dana, April Steele, and Laurel Parnell’s work.
Creating treatment plans for complex clients. Find clarity within the chaos of complex presentations.
Learn how to streamline history taking and create concise treatment plans for clients with complex presentation. Find clarity in the confusion and stay on track during reprocessing phases.
Working WITH Dissociation: Planning, Preparing, and Reprocessing with complex Ego States (our client’s family of self)
Feel more confident in working with complex clients by learning how to identify dissociation, how to use the dissociative table to prepare your clients for desensitization, and how to use the table when client’s abreact, become blocked, or dissociate during reprocessing.
Using TCTSY to support your client’s interoceptive capacity to reprocess trauma.
Learn how to use the foundational elements of TCTSY to support your client’s interoceptive capacity to reprocess trauma with EMDR Therapy. Use TCTSY to support stabilization in phase 2, blocked processing in phases 4-6 and re-stabilizing in phase 7.
Getting the AIP Moving Again: Working with Secondary Gain, Blocking Beliefs, and Interweaves.
Learn how to address blocked processing safely and effectively to reactivate your client’s AIP and keep it activated during reprocessing of complex traumatic events with EMDR Therapy.
Reprocessing with Complex Clients: Taxing Working Memory and restricting reprocessing with EMD.
Learn how to reprocess safely and effectively with complex clients by taxing working memory and using the processing continuum of EMDr and EMD.