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Using TCTSY to support your client’s interoceptive capacity to reprocess trauma.

Using EMDR Therapy to reprocess traumatic memories is only effective if your client is in their window of tolerance, has present moment awareness, feels safe enough to be vulnerable to interocept their thoughts, sensations, and emotions.

Have you ever felt stuck when you asked your client “what do you notice in your body” and they say "I don't know"?

Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is the first yoga-based, empirically validated, clinical intervention for complex trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is the yoga you read about in Bessel van der Kolk’s book, “The Body Keeps the Score” and is based on trauma theory, neurobiology, attachment theory and incorporates Hatha Yoga.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to use the fundamental elements of TCTSY: invitational language, choice-making, shared authentic experience and non-coercion to support your clients in learning that they have a choice if, when, and how to connect with their bodies. This felt sense of agency gained through TCTSY, will support your client’s present moment awareness, felt-sense of safety within their own body and thus the capacity to notice their internal world, and be able to reprocess traumatic events using EMDR Therapy.

You’ll walk away from the day understanding how TCTSY works, how it feels to experience TCTSY for yourself, with trauma sensitive EMDR Therapy protocols infused with the elements of TCTSY and strategies on how you can incorporate TCTSY with your clients in phase 2 to support the interoceptive capacity of your clients creating the stabilization needed to reprocess traumatic memories. You’ll also learn strategies of how to use TCTSY as somatic interweaves during blocked processing in phases 4-6. Finally you’ll learn how to use TCTSY in phase 7 to support your client at the end of session before they reenter their world.

TCTSY might be the missing link you are looking for, professionally and personally.

May 28

Working WITH Dissociation: Planning, Preparing, and Reprocessing with complex Ego States (our client’s family of self)

August 20

Getting the AIP Moving Again: Working with Secondary Gain, Blocking Beliefs, and Interweaves.