Is it fear or is it your intuition speaking to you?

with Sue Berard

Is it your fear, ego or intuition speaking to you? Learn how to tell the difference and walk away with tools to use in this podcast with Sue Berard, an Intuitive Wellness Consultant.

In this episode, I’m chatting with Sue Berard, an Intuitive Wellness Consultant. Sue left her job as an Executive Sales Director to pursue her true life purpose: using her intuitive abilities to serve others - which she’s been doing locally, nationally, and internationally since 2011.

Takeaways from this episode:

  1. Inspiration from Sue’s own story of listening to her intuition to make a big change in her life

  2. How to use your intuition

  3. Learning about which clair senses you notice 

  4. How to tell the difference between your fear, ego and intuition or higher self

  5. Tools to use in your own life to receive intuitive messages

I truly hope this episode offered you a glimpse into the power of intuition and how it can help you navigate some of the toughest moments of your life.



Self Soothing as a HSP


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