Self Soothing as a HSP

with Julie Long

Ever feel like you notice and feel EVERYTHING? Always feeling tired and OVERWHELMED?  Do you identify as an EMOTIONAL person who feels empathy for everyone (including actors in a commercial)? Are you SENSITIVE (or responsive) to all the subtleties around you (like Jason Bourne?)

If any of this sounds familiar, you might be a High Sensitive Person (HSP). Not neurotic and definitely different from an introvert. A HSP was researched and first published in 1996 by Elaine N. Aron, a psychotherapist in her book, The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive when the World Overwhelms You.  Since then she has substantiated many of her earlier findings with research which can be here (

Before I identified as a HSP, I struggled thinking there was something wrong with me because I had much bigger reactions in my life than others.  I thought I was weak and not good enough.

Then I read about this inheritable trait in her book which cited studies that found that HSP are born with lower serotonin levels and if coupled with adverse childhood experiences are more at risk of becoming shy, depressed and anxious. But if a HSP had at least one supportive caregiver who understood them, not only were they not any more at risk than others without this inheritable trait, but they were slightly happier and healthier than those without the trait.  

STRESS…It exacerbates everything and everyone but most definitely a HSP’s nervous system and way sooner than others.  So if we can manage our stress and notice what to respond to that isn't a waste of our precious energy, a HSP can notice subtleties that others can not which has many benefits like: 

  • surviving better in new settings, 

  • improved memory, 

  • better decision making, 

  • greater resilience to stress, 

  • leaders in their social groups, and 

  • flourishing mental health.

I remember my mother-in-law asking me what animal I identified with and I said a chameleon because I’m so responsive to my environment which has its benefits as seen in the list above. But it makes it so easy to lose myself when I’m around others.  So it’s VERY important for me to take the time to come back to myself or I burnout very quickly.  I can't compare my operating speed with others because I’m different.

So what’s the secret to managing my stress so I can harness these Jason Bourne qualities within me? Here are a few of my favourites!  I’d love to hear about yours.

  • See - a picture of my dogs outside - reminds of walks ,fresh air, trees

  • Hear - free nature scape app ( - sound of a loon on a lake

  • Smell - cinnamon spiced vanilla candle (pink bottle) or essential oils (peppermint, lavender)

  • Touch - child’s pose with a bolster or my block (

  • Taste - hot tea (chamomile or peppermint) or golden mylk (

  • Movement -  slowly forward folding and noticing my breath (check out my free audio training for one of my favourite, short practices ( 

  • Think - free writing in my journal and affirmation coins (I bought mine in Halifax NS but you can find them on Etsy or Amazon)

Even though you may not be a HSP,  I’m sure there are times you feel overwhelmed!  I truly hope this episode offers you a glimpse into the importance of valuing and taking care of your authentic self because you’re worth it!



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