Turning Pain into Purpose

with Melissa Giller

Do you feel like you’re connected with your authentic self? Are you living a life with meaning?

Tune into this podcast as Julie speaks with Melissa Giller, a Personal Development Coach, who used her pain and turned it into her purpose: Life With Soul. You’ll learn how Melissa turned the worst panic attack of her life into a spiritual awakening to start her business. How she put herself first, forgave herself, and all the lessons in between.


  • How she witnessed her severe panic attack as a spiritual awakening 

  • Remembered it’s okay to put herself first

  • Went back to doing something she enjoyed

  • Remembered to trust the process that the universe has a way to lead you where you’re meant to be

  • Come back to yourself. Find yourself again. You Highest self. 

If you’re ready to stop procrastinating, ditch perfectionism and craft your work and life in alignment with how you want to feel,  visit Melissa’s website at https://melissagiller.com,tune into her podcast Life With Soul or follow her on instagram @melissa_giller. 

I truly hope this episode offers you a glimpse into the power within you and how it can help you achieve your dreams.



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